Olivier Parisé

Naturopathe ND, Kinesiologue, Member of ANN

I sought my academic path in my younger years. I studied various subjects at university, ranging from business administration to accounting, where I obtained a certificate that has, to this day, never been officially used.

During my studies, I discovered my passion for helping people and my interest in human physiology while working in a supplement store.

My enthusiasm for training also grew at that time, prompting me to train in coaching.

From 2017 to 2020, I took part in bodybuilding competitions, where I had the opportunity to rub shoulders with various massage therapists who sparked in me the desire to practice this profession, first at home, then in a spa.

I then decided to deepen my knowledge of the human being by training in naturopathy at AAT, which led me to the Synergie clinic.

In my spare time, I attend electronic music festivals, work out or watch a good movie at home while petting my cat.

Today, my professional schedule is a balance between massage therapy and coaching, and I’m delighted to now be able to devote clinic time to you, our valued customers.