Can this process help with my other health concerns?

Our method has proven effective in restoring the body’s balance. When your body’s balance is off, you’re more vulnerable to illness and allergies.

Our clients report great results for all sorts of problems. Every day we help people feel better, boost their energy, improve their sleep, aid their digestion, balance their hormones, and eliminate common allergy symptoms.

Do these methods work for children or babies?

Absolutely. Children respond very well as our methods are non-invasive and painless. Most even seem to enjoy them. Babies, another favourite client, respond quickly to treatment and reap lifelong benefits. Our youngest patients have been two to three weeks old.

How many sessions are needed?

It normally takes one to four sessions to balance a sensitivity. We can usually treat multiple sensitivities at a time, and most are balanced after just one visit.

Results depend on a client’s overall health. Some may need a second, third, or even fourth session for the same allergen or irritant, depending on their:

  • Stress levels
  • Bodily toxin levels
  • Immune system strength
  • Underlying infections, if any (parasites, candida, etc.)
  • Hydration levels

Please note: Clients with multiple sensitivities may need several visits for their body to achieve complete balance. Once this is done, follow-up or yearly visits are not normally needed for the same substance (unless one of the five conditions listed below apply, in which case we can help).

How soon will I see results?

Once our treatment is finished, you’ll have immediate relief from “external” irritants (pollen, foods, animals, etc.) and “internal” irritants (hormones, neurotransmitters, etc.). It may take a couple of days or weeks to adapt and balance.

Are there side effects?

Most people feel relieved and energized immediately after our sessions. However, healing is different for everyone, and patients who are already tired or weak may have a slightly longer process.

Healing process: Signs of the body naturally cleansing itself

Possible symptoms during healing process: Mild headache, mucus secretion, fatigue, elimination through skin, stool, urine, etc. If they occur, these symptoms normally last 24 to 48 hours.

How do you identify my sensitivities?

We use computerized Electrodermal Screening, which is non-invasive and pain-free (no needles). We also measure electrical resistance on acupoints and test the effects of hundreds of substances (food-based, environmental, and other possible allergens or irritants). With some 10,000 samples to choose from, we can instantly find your tolerance to any substance.

Will you test my sensitivities on the first visit?

Most people have their tests done right away. Some new patients (about one in five) have low meridian conductivity. Since we test on acupuncture meridians, we need to activate them first. Our initial session will look for ways to help your body reach a balance so we can test for sensitivities.
If this is the case, we will test your sensitivities on the second visit about one month later. Consultation fees apply for both appointments.

Can you recommend a practitioner in my area?

Stay tuned! You would like to see our services in your area or partner with us to see it happen ? Please get in touch. 

In the meantime, we don’t know of a practitioner in your area. Our work requires specialized training, years of experience, and a unique blend of approaches and techniques that few others have. We’re one-of-a-kind and proud of it. Our clinic draws patients each day from across Quebec and Ontario and can readily adapt treatment plans to the needs of out-of-town clients.

Do people travel for treatment?

Every day, a least a few patients drive to our clinic from outside the area. Our treatment process is usually not long. Most simple issues are resolved within four to five visits and no yearly check-up is needed.

Do you always get results?

We have a perfect track record in balancing patients’ sensitivities. Need help for a symptom? The more clues we have, the faster we’ll find the cause. Sinus congestion triggers, for example, may include food, perfumes, pathogens, animals, dust, or pollen. You might continue having symptoms until sessions are completed for each stressor.

Will I need supplements, herbs, vitamins, or a cleanse?

Yes and no. Some people need a boost from certain herbs or a cleanse before the body can process new information. These are recommended and might ensure faster results.

You need information or have more questions?