Paola Suarez


Graduated in Biology, Nursing and Natural Health Practitioner

Holistic Allergy and Naturotherapy 

I am Paola, mother of two beautiful children. I am greatly motivated by natural health care and this fuelled my new career change. I have always had a vocation to serve, help and contribute to the well-being of others.

In my country of origin, Columbia, I studied biology. I had a special interest for nature, wildlife and the environment. During this period I developed rigour, a sense of observation and curiosity by following the scientific method.

At the beginning of my immigration journey to Canada, I reoriented my career for the first time. I studied Nursing and it turned out to be a fullfiling new career . I had the opportunity to work with a diverse clientele, however my favorite department was perinatal care. Then, the birth of my second child made me consider my professional future elsewhere again. I was now looking for a new path where I could find a work and family life balance. Then came along Clinique Synergie’s opportunity with great timing and I was lucky to join the team !

As a Natural Health Practitioner, it has been a blessing from the universe  to work here, offer integral health services, constantly acquire knowledge and share with incredible people. I am looking forward to serving you !